Sunday, November 23, 2014

Troubleshooting Common Service Contract Import Errors

There are many errors that you may face while importing Service Contracts using Service Contracts Import Program. Few of the errors and solutions are as follows :-
There are no records processed by request id 'xxxxxx' in the interface tables. The batch_id in oks_headers_interface might be wrong OR the interface_status would be ‘E’ or some thing else, It should be NULL or 'R'.
The combination of contract number and modifier is entered for more than one record in the interface table. Two entries exist in oks_headers_interface with the same batch_id and contract_number. The same contract_number cannot exist multiple times in the import table.
Enter a valid operating unit. Correct the operating_unit_id in oks_headers_interface.
Enter a valid Bill To Site Usage Id.
Enter a valid Ship To Site Usage Id.
Correct the bill_to_site_usage_id or ship_to_site_usage_id in oks_headers_interface.  If the values are known to be correct, verify that the customer account information is correct.
The given customer contract administrator is invalid. Correct the customer_contract_admin_id or customer_contract_admin_name in oks_headers_interface.  The transaction is accepted if any one of the columns has valid information.

The given sales person is invalid or does not belong to the operating unit of the contract. Correct the salesperson_id or salesperson_name in oks_headers_interface.
Enter a valid service contracts category. Correct the category in oks_headers_interface.  Valid values are 'SERVICE', 'SUBSCRIPTION', and 'USAGE'.
Start date and end date are mandatory and start date should be less than end date. The start_date or end_date, in oks_headers_interface, has an incorrect value.  Make sure that the start date is earlier than the end date for the contract.
Enter a valid customer party.
Customer information is stored in three fields in oks_headers_interface; customer_party_number, customer_party_id and customer_party_name.
-  The party number is displayed in the contract header.
-  The account number can be viewed by selecting the Account number field in the Bill To Address of a sample contract.

This is a sample query for Business World in a Vision instance.
select p.party_number, p.party_id, p.party_name
from hz_parties p, hz_cust_accounts c
where p.party_number = '2813'
and c.account_number = '1608'
p.party_number maps to customer_party_number in oks_headers_interface.
c.cust_account_id maps to customer_party_id in oks_headers_interface.
One value that uniquely identifies the customer party is sufficient.  Users do not have to populate all of the fields.
Do not enter Date Approved for the given contract status. The date_approved in oks_headers_interface should be null when the status_code is 'ENTERED'.
Enter a date approved for active, signed or expired contracts. The date_approved in oks_headers_interface should be populated when the status_code is ACTIVE, SIGNED or EXPIRED.
Do not enter PO Required value since Payment Instruction is not of type PO Number. The po_required field in oks_headers_interface should be null when the payment_instruction_details is null. The value 'N' is not acceptable.
Tangible subscriptions are not supported by import program. Enter a subscription template with fulfillment channel not equal to "Order Management". Tangible subscriptions cannot be imported.
Enter a valid currency code. The contract_currency_code in oks_headers_interface is incorrect.  Currency codes are defined in fnd_currencies.
Enter a valid price list for the contract currency. The price_list_id in oks_headers_interface is incorrect.  The list_header_id values are defined in qp_list_headers_b.
The given sales person is invalid or does not belong to the operating unit of the contract. The salesperson_id in qp_list_headers_b is incorrect. The salesperson_name is not validated.
Enter a valid accounts receivables invoicing rule. The invoicing_rule_id in oks_headers_interface is incorrect.  Use a valid rule_id in ra_rules, one with type = 'I'.
Enter a valid accounts receivables accounting rule. The accounting_rule_id in oks_headers_interface is incorrect. Use a valid rule_id in ra_rules, one with type = 'A'.
Enter 'Y' or 'N' for Hold Credit option. The hold_credits in oks_headers_interface is incorrect.
Enter 'Y' or 'N' for Summary Print option. The summary_print in oks_headers_interface is incorrect.
Enter 'Y' or 'N' for Summary Transactions option. summary_transactions in oks_headers_interface is incorrect.
Enter a valid contract group and check if the user has access to it. contract_group_id in oks_headers_interface is incorrect.  Set the value to a valid id in okc_k_groups_b.  Make sure that the contract group or that the user has access to the contract group.
Enter a renewal type code which is consistent with renewal process entered for header. The renewal_type_code in oks_lines_interface is incorrect.  Valid values are FUL (Full Duration), DNR (Do Not Renew) and KEP (Keep Duration).
The contract with given status code cannot have fully billed as 'Y' If the imported contract has a status that can be activated, e.g., ENTERED, the fully_billed value cannot be set to 'Y'. Reset the value in oks_headers_interface to 'N'.
Enter a valid time unit value for the Price UOM column only if the covered level is product or item. Populate the column price_uom in oks_covered_levels_interface with a valid unit of measure code
Enter a line type which is valid for the header category. Correct the line_type in oks_lines_interface. Valid values are 'SERVICE', 'USAGE' and 'SUBSCRIPTION'. The value must be consistent with the contract category that is defined in the header. For example, a Subscription line cannot be added to a Service Agreement (category = SERVICE).
Enter a valid service / usage / subscription item as per the line type which belongs to the inventory organization entered. - The combination of the item_organization_id and item_id in oks_lines_interface does not match the organization_id / inventory_item_id in mtl_system_items_b.
- The item id is valid, but does not match the line_type. For example, the item might be a usage item, but the line_type is SERVICE. The item defintion must be consistent with the line_type.
Enter a valid bill to site usage which belongs to the account entered for bill to account.
Correct the bill_to_site_usage_id or ship_to_site_usage_id in oks_lines_interface. It is possible that a header level error for the customer account caused this error.
Enter a valid ship to site usage which belongs to the account entered for ship to account. Correct the ship_to_site_usage_id or ship_to_site_usage_id in oks_lines_interface. It is possible that a header level error for the customer account caused this error.
Enter a valid start date, end date combination within the range of the dates given for the corresponding header interface.
The start_date or end_date, in oks_lines_interface, has an incorrect value. Make sure that the start date is earlier than the end date for the line, and that both dates are within the start_date and end_date in oks_headers_interface.
Enter a value for subscription quantity without decimal value. The quantity for Subscription lines must be a whole number.
Enter a valid tax exemption control option. The tax_exemption_control in oks_lines_interface is incorrect. Valid values are in ar_lookups
where lookup_type = 'TAX_CONTROL_FLAG'. Currently acceptable values are 'E', Exempt; 'R', Require; and 'S', Standard'.
Enter a valid tax classification code. The tax_classification_code in oks_lines_interface is incorrect. Use this query to find the valid codes:
select tax_code, description from ar_vat_tax_all.
Note: Additional selection criteria applies.
Enter a valid time unit of measure for billing interval period. The billing_interval_period in oks_lines_interface is incorrect. Use the appropriate uom_code from this query:
Select uom_code, tce_code, short_description
from okc_time_code_units_v
where quantity = 1;
The billing schedule duration exceeds the line's active period. Correct recur bill occurrences, first bill upto date, billing duration or period. Check the fields billing_interval_duration,
billing_interval_period, and recur_bill_occurances in oks_lines_interface. The values should not create schedules that exceed the end date. Enter these values to create a schedule consisting of 24 periods of 1 month:
billing_interval_duration = 1
billing_interval_period = MTH
recur_bill_occurances = 24
Enter a valid time unit value for the Price UOM column only if the covered level is product or item. The price_uom in oks_covered_levels_interface is incorrect. Refer to similar error in Line Interface section.
Enter a valid value for one and only one type of covered levels.
An entry in the oks_covered_levels_interface should reference a single entity, a party, system, item, etc. For example, populating the covered_item_id, covered_item_name as well as the covered_system_id is inconsistent because a contract subline cannot have two levels, (covered) item, and (covered) system. A more likely scenario for this error is that an unidentified error occurred caused the program to believe that there are no eligible records.
One example is for the covered item. The covered_item_id and covered_item_name must both be populated. The covered_item_name must be segment1 from mtl_system_items_b and the covered_item_id must be the id for the referenced covered_item_name.
Additional errors might be displayed with this error. One example is the error 'Enter a valid time unit of measure for billing interval period'. The error occurs due to the fact that another inconsistency was found.
Enter a valid Counter Id that corresponds to the Usage Item id of it's parent line. The counter_id in oks_usage_counters_interface is incorrect. Verify that the counter_id is valid. Counters are stored in csi_counters_b.
Enter a valid value for Print Invoice option. print_invoice in oks_usage_counters_interface must be 'Y' or 'N'.
Enter a valid positive value for the column Default if the usage line is of type actual per period or actual by quantity. The column default_usg_cnt in oks_usage_counters_interface must be populated.
Enter a value for fill option only if the usage line is of type actual per period. The column fill_yn in oks_usage_counters_interface must be populated if the usage type is Actual per Period. It should be null for other usage types.
Enter a valid value for the column Level option if the usage line is of type actual per period or actual by quantity. The level_yn in oks_usage_counters_interface must be populated if the usage type is Actual per Period or Actual by Quantity. It should be null for other usage types.
No error however the contract lines do not get imported, but only header Please check all mandatory data are provided on line level, including field BILLING_INTERVAL_PERIOD
Reference :- Oracle Support Doc ID 762545.1

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